Our Story

How it all started...

In April 2015, Pastor Kathy felt convicted and led by the Lord to go back to school and finish her Master’s of Divinity.  She believed that the Lord was calling her to do that in order to step into her next calling and ministry assignment.  Upon moving to from PA to OH, Pastor Kathy began at Ashland Theological Seminary, continuing her pursuits of an MDiv.  With graduating in the Spring of 2017 on the horizon, Pastor Kathy began to look for a new job; one that would utilize her almost newly acquired degree.  To no avail, after a year of job searching and closed door after closed door; the Lord began to open a new door, church planting.  A dear friend and pastor placed the seed of an idea into Kathy about planting a church.  This sent Kathy in an intense season of discernment exploring this call and seeking God for His heart.  While the idea of church planting was brand new for Kathy, the call that something was ahead, was clear.  Kathy spent 2018 not only discerning her call to possibly plant a church, but discerning the covering that she would attach to.  After surrendering to this call and next ministry assignment, Kathy has spent several months discerning the identity of the ministry with trusted Brothers and Sisters in the faith.  Freedom Covenant Church has been realized and birthed out of the journey the Lord has taken Pastor Kathy on which has anointed her to do the work of leading others into Freedom themselves.  As we plant this ministry, we are planting a movement that would empower others to be free, get free, and know free while walking out their gifts and passions for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Thursday for our weekly gathering as we hear God's Word and worship together at 7:00 pm.